VS4-10 — Blog — Harley Designs


VS4-10 Phoenix Electronics Choices

Looking to get an electronics setup for your new VS4-10 Phoenix? No matter if it is the straight axle version or has portals, this guide should give you some suggestions of where to start.

Brushed 2 Channel Options

Cheapest (Brushed 2 Channel) Recommended Option

Steering Servo: https://amzn.to/3cht2dC


ESC: https://bit.ly/3POBv5G

Radio: https://amzn.to/3dJDXgu

Overdrive Shift Servo: Locked Out

Dig Shift Servo: Locked Out

Better (Brushed 2 Channel):

Steering Servo: https://bit.ly/2U8BeAH

Motor: https://bit.ly/3cfvoKd

ESC: https://bit.ly/3gB5ttz

Radio (3 Channel): https://bit.ly/3CvJf9W

Radio RX: https://bit.ly/3pESiOd

Overdrive Shift Servo: Locked Out

Dig Shift Servo: Locked Out

Brushed 3/4 Channel Options

Cheapest (Brushed 3 Channel) Option

Better (Brushed 4 Channel) Option

You think you hate it now?! - Rock Pirates RC Interceptor Chassis - Ep2

Today we are converting a VS4-10 Phoenix Portal to a Rock Pirates RC Interceptor Chassis and Hardline Bed for the Proline Power Wagon body.

Power Wagon Cage: https://bit.ly/3T6uZKF

SEND CUT SEND: https://bit.ly/3s8cuZl


Spektrum Firma 2300kv: https://bit.ly/3chxclP

Reefs Triple 8 Servo: https://bit.ly/3P9B7Qo

Reefs 300IS Comp Spec Winch: https://bit.ly/3LlAkbC

Reefs 179 Smart Micro Servos: https://bit.ly/3KgL5gx

JConcepts Tusks: https://bit.ly/3AFUXNR

Vanquish Tank Wheels: https://bit.ly/3CsrrMI

Crawler Innovations Foams: https://bit.ly/3QFlO25

VS4-10 Phoenix Portal: https://bit.ly/3LHmbXE

Proline Body: https://bit.ly/3v3Kt6c

Interceptor Chassis: https://bit.ly/3dDKM3m

Power Wagon Sliders: https://bit.ly/3c3YlIH

Hardline Bed: https://bit.ly/3As0pDL

Servo Mount: https://bit.ly/3pmV4HJ

Another CHEATER truck! - Rock Pirates RC Interceptor Chassis - Ep1

Today we are converting a VS4-10 Phoenix Portal to a Rock Pirates RC Interceptor Chassis and Hardline Bed for the Proline Power Wagon body.

VS4-10 Phoenix Portal: https://bit.ly/3LHmbXE

Proline Body: https://bit.ly/3v3Kt6c

Interceptor Chassis: https://bit.ly/3dDKM3m

Power Wagon Sliders: https://bit.ly/3c3YlIH

Hardline Bed: https://bit.ly/3As0pDL

Servo Mount: https://bit.ly/3pmV4HJ

JConcept Tusk Tires: https://bit.ly/3Pu8g88

Incision S8E 80mm/90mm Shocks Step-by-Step Instructions - Vanquish Products

The Incision S8E shocks are included on Vanquish Products Phoenix Portal as well as sold in pairs. This video outlines how to assemble these shocks as well as how to rebuild them.

Buy on Amain: https://bit.ly/3b0cFhb

Vanquish Products VFD Twin Step-by-Step Instructions

The Vanquish Products VFD Twin Transmission comes equipped in the new VS4-10 Phoenix. This patent pending transmission features dig and selectable overdrive. The VFD Twin retains the features that made the original VFD great, keeping the motor as low and as forward as possible.

Motor Plate & Standoffs - 0:12

Topshaft & Slipper - 0:35

Shrouds - 1:50

23t & 52T in Main Gear Case - 2:17

Front Half T-Case Assembly - 4:44

Lower Gear Shaft Assemblies - 5:50

Back Half T-Case Assembly - 8:51

Dig Lockout Installation - 9:10

Final Gear Installation - 10:01

Dig Lever Installation - 11:10

Overdrive Lever Installation - 12:10

Install into Chassis - 14:22

Buy on Amain: https://bit.ly/3b0cFhb

Vanquish Products F10 Portal Axle Step-by-Step Instructions

The Vanquish Products F10 Portal Axles come equipped in the new VS4-10 Phoenix. These are the first molded axle design from Vanquish Products. These axle feature an ultra rigid portal housing design that will handle serious abuse.

Start of Front Axle - 0:14

Third Member Assembly - 0:21

Brass Front Tubes - 2:33

Front Stub Axle - 2:55

Front Portal Cover - 3:18

Steering Knuckles (inner) - 3:53

Front Axle Shafts & Upper Portal Gear - 4:40

Knuckle onto Axle Housing - 5:12

Shims/Washers - 5:44

Start of Rear Axle - 6:08

Third Member into Rear Housing - 6:18

Rear Brass Tubes - 6:39

Rear Stube Axle - 6:53

Rear Portal Cover - 7:13

Rear Axle Shafts - 7:43

Rear Portal Cover Install - 8:13

Rear Oil Fill Cap - 8:27

Shims/Washers - 8:57

Buy on Amain: https://bit.ly/3b0cFhb

Vanquish Products VS4-10 Phoenix Portal - Running - Episode 2

The Vanquish Products VS4-10 Phoenix is a new more budget friendly option that is packed with industry first options. This is the lowest priced kit ever released from Vanquish Products!

Buy Here: https://bit.ly/3b0cFhb

Vanquish Products VS4-10 Phoenix Portal - Episode 1

The Vanquish Products VS4-10 Phoenix is a new more budget friendly option that is packed with industry first options. This is the lowest priced kit ever released from Vanquish Products!

Buy Here: https://bit.ly/3b0cFhb

Who is the king of the trail - VS4-10 & Kyosho - Vlog

Today we hit the rocks near Silver Lake CA. I took my VS4-10 Pro and the Kyosho Trail King. Two vehicles that couldn't be different!

Location: 38°39'24.7"N 120°07'45.3"W

Kyosho Trail King RTR (Blue): https://bit.ly/2VTnURs

VS4-10 Pro Build List (most of it):

VS4-10 Pro Clear: https://bit.ly/2zHzW8Q

Tekin RX4: https://bit.ly/2zL4LcJ

Tekin ROC412 3100KV: https://bit.ly/2zFWmrb

Tekin T360 Servo: https://bit.ly/36JGL5X

Tekin T180 Servo: https://bit.ly/2ARuPTR

Vanquish Machete V2: https://bit.ly/2Mf71eW

Vanquish Dredger Beadlocks: https://bit.ly/2Mf71eW

Proline 4.75 1.9 Krawlers (G8): https://bit.ly/2XOig4A

VFD Hurtz Dig: https://bit.ly/3csHauB

Tattu R-line 1300 4s 120c: https://bit.ly/3hAvr0P

Soots Scale Painting: https://bit.ly/2XxX0QH


Futaba 4PM: https://bit.ly/2TY8B9o

Class 1 VS4-10 vs VS4-10 Pro - Kick Rocks - Vlog

It felt good to hit the rocks on a cold day in June! Great to get the hardbody Toyota out into nature finally.

Portal Rear Install: https://youtu.be/RZS3i59okq4

VS4-10 Pro

Tekin RX4: https://bit.ly/2zL4LcJ

Tekin ROC412 3100KV: https://bit.ly/2zFWmrb

Tekin T360 Servo: https://bit.ly/36JGL5X

Tekin T180 Servo: https://bit.ly/2ARuPTR

Vanquish Machete V2: https://bit.ly/2Mf71eW

Vanquish Dredger Beadlocks: https://bit.ly/2Mf71eW

Proline 4.75 1.9 Krawlers (G8): https://bit.ly/2XOig4A

VFD Hurtz Dig: https://bit.ly/3csHauB

Futaba 4PM: https://bit.ly/2TY8B9o

Soots Scale Painting: https://bit.ly/2XxX0QH

VS4-10 Class 1

Vanquish VS4-10 Chassis Kit: https://bit.ly/3fa9vYt

Vanquish VFD Transmission Kit: https://bit.ly/2Yg29Ma

Vanquish D44 Front Axle Housing (clear): https://bit.ly/3dQLTHU

Vanquish D44 Rear Axle Housing (clear): https://bit.ly/37gMPD7

21% Overdrive VFD Gear Set: https://bit.ly/2MohRzr

Castle Micro X: https://bit.ly/3dSvm6k

Holmes Puller Pro 540 2700KV: https://bit.ly/3eEkSaD

PST-200 Servo Winch: https://bit.ly/3cGNz5L

TRX4 VS4-10 Custom Build Payoff Beach Crawling

The custom TRX4 build is completed and time to give it a final crawl. I used the Vanquish Products VS4-10 Chassis under this rig to give me all kinds of options for parts like the Hurtz dig that really transforms this truck.

Brass & Overdrive - TRX4 VS4-10 Power Wagon

Time to repair the TRX4 VS4-10 Power Wagon and make a few changes that I felt were needed, and that meant new gears and... adding some brass.

VS4-10 Ultra Portal Kit - First Look

The VS4-10 Ultra is on the bench and I go in depth on the details of the new addition to the Vanquish Products kit lineup.

Available for purchase here:

Clear: http://bit.ly/3acl1AJ

Black: http://bit.ly/2ToFUmi

VS4-10 Ultra - Portal Kit - Vanquish Products

The Vanquish Products VS4-10 Ultra represents the top tier of RC scale vehicle kits, providing the highest quality materials, superior design, and the most durable portal axle platform available in its market.

Available for purchase here:

Clear: http://bit.ly/3acl1AJ

Black: http://bit.ly/2ToFUmi

Road to Scale Nats 2020 - Class 2 - Episode 2

Scale Nationals is the peak of the scale competition scene. This year I have committed to competing in all 3 classes however I don't have a single rig ready to go, in fact most of them don't even exist yet! Follow along as I build my rigs and discuss my goals.

Scale Nationals FB Event Group: http://bit.ly/32Gt6J0

SORRCA Scale Rules: Sorrca.com

Portal Rear Axle Video: https://youtu.be/RZS3i59okq4

TRX4 VS4-10 breaks at Duncan Peak! - Vlog

After building the custom tube bed for the TRX4 and getting it mounted to the VS4-10 chassis, it was time to test it. I found another new spot I wanted to get to and the pay off was worth it. Duncan Peak was an easy hike with some great terrain.

Full Build can be found here: https://harleydesigns.com/trx4-vs410

TRX4 VS4-10 gets Custom Tube Work

I finally got around to building the tube work I wanted for the bed of my custom VS4-10 Chassis build using TRX4 axles. This build is really turning out to be a nice package deal. I'm looking forward to getting this up and running.

BAC Industries Mighty Rod Bender: https://amzn.to/2Ox4YUr

Silca Bronze filler rod: https://amzn.to/2OjYMPj

Full Build Breakdown can be found here: https://harleydesigns.com/trx4-vs410

Trails, Racing and Destruction! - Squirrel Fest 2019 - Event Vlog

I traveled to Grants Pass Oregon to experience Squirrel Fest 2019. The event had massive trails, U4 style racing, and plenty of destruction! This was a unique event and an awesome opportunity to go to some place totally new to me.

TRX4 Axles with Axial Transmission - Gearing Calculations

Update to the TRX4 VS4-10 build and how-to tackle the math of calculating overall gearing so I could finish installing the Axial style 3-gear transmission into this build.

Full Build Breakdown can be found here

Rear Only Portal Axle & Overdrive Calculations - VS4-10 Pro

I wanted to install a portal axle into the rear of my VS4-10 Pro. While this may sound odd, hear me out first. Plus I get into how you calculate overdrive percentages.

Portal Rear Axle: http://bit.ly/2klyt0o

Portal Overdrive Gears: http://bit.ly/2lV7qcq

AR44 6-Hole Overdrive Gears: http://bit.ly/2kltDjI

F9 Servo On Axle Mount: http://bit.ly/2m2WGcd

Percentage Difference Calculator: http://bit.ly/2ky5Qgr

VS4-10 Pro Available for purchase here:

Clear: http://bit.ly/2ZxxPvv

Black: http://bit.ly/2KqlOof