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Axial SCX10-2 Trail Honcho $50 Budget Build - Week 1 - Free Mods & Interior

The SCX10-2 Trail Honcho Budget Build has begun! We spend $50 a week and try to build the best rig we can. This week we take our new Axial and add a bolt in interior setup and do some free suspension tuning modifications!

Axial Bomber Interior: https://bit.ly/2BxoLQt

Axial Helmet Set (Black): https://bit.ly/2XzBivt

Interior Bracket (Download): https://goo.gl/Lo19GB

Interior Bracket (Buy): https://bit.ly/2Ay8cnF

Week 1 Budget Report

Axial RR10 Interior - $16.99

Axial Helmet Set - $13.99 Weekly

Total - $30.98 Weekly Budget - $50.00 Balance - $19.02